Ten Back To School with Healthy Smiles Dental Health Tips

Back-to-School with Healthy Smiles

back to school tips oakwood family dentists

We’re sharing 10 Dental Health Tips to help you keep your child’s smile healthy all school year long! Why is this so important?  Tooth decay (dental caries) affects children in the United States more than any other chronic infectious disease. Untreated tooth decay causes pain and infections that may lead to problems; such as eating, speaking, playing, and learning.  In fact, the Surgeon General calls dental problems the “Silent Epidemic” that results in more than 51 million school hours missed each year!

The good news is that tooth decay and other oral diseases that can affect children are preventable.  In fact,  90% of all cavities are preventable.  Preventive dentistry can help keep your child’s smile healthy and attractive.  Children with a healthy mouth have better school attendance and are more attentive in class.

 Top Ten Back-To-School Dental Health Tips

 Schedule a Back-to-school dental visit:

1. Regular dental checkups (at least 2 x per year) may seem like an unnecessary expense but they can actually save you money in the long run. Parents and teachers may not realize there’s a dental problem, regular check ups are important to diagnose, treat and prevent dental problems. Dental problems caught early can quickly be fixed, with little or no pain, and prevent a big expense. And prevent your child from missing school.

2. Seal out decay!Most decay in the teeth of children and teens occurs in the grooves of the back-teeth chewing surfaces. Dental sealants protect these teeth from decay. The application of the sealants is quick and painless. 

Our office is offering many dental specials just for students and teachers during August & September. To Schedule an appointment, please call us at 313-945-8900

Brushing and Flossing:

3. Children should brush at least twice a day.

4. Let your child choose his or her own toothbrush. The only thing you need to do is make sure it’s the proper size and has soft bristles.

Replace a toothbrush when it’s worn, splayed bristles, or after illness. (We recommend every 3 months)

5. Consider purchasing their own travel toothbrush and toothpaste to keep in their backpack or locker. Even a trip to the water fountain to rinse their mouth will help.

6. Flossing is an annoyance for adults, let alone children. Floss picks make flossing easier for kids and come in fun flavors.

7. Toothpaste comes in many flavors. Find a flavor your child likes. The more they like it, the better chance you have of getting them to use it.

8. Timing is important too, children often fail to brush for the required amount of time. Purchase a two-minute brushing timer to help them keep track of time.

Pack Healthy Lunches and Snacks:

9. Fresh fruit, vegetables and cheese are great choices. Cheese, like Swiss, aged Cheddar and Monterey Jack, is especially good for teeth because it neutralizes acids. Nuts, whole grains and yogurt are also good snack choices.

Avoid fruit juices, energy drinks and sodas as they erode tooth enamel. Avoid sugary, sticky and chewy foods (such as raisins, fruit snacks and crackers) because they will cling to the tooth surface, allowing bacteria in plaque to produce more acid.

Sport a Mouthguard:

10. An injury can take the fun out of gym class, recess and after-school sports. Wearing a properly fitted mouthguard will help protect your child’s precious teeth from being chipped or knocked out by a misstep/or kick, ball or puck.

We are happy to answer any questions parents may have about their child’s dental health. 313-945-8900.

We wish you all a very Happy & Healthy School Year!

Your partners for better dental health,

Drs. Jaffe, Goldstein and Aboona

Special note to Teachers:  Just a reminder we offer totally FREE Dental Education & Toothbrushes during February’s Dental Health Month – To schedule a free field trip call us today at 313-945-8900

Please stop by and LIKE our office facebook page: www.facebook.com/oakwoodfamilydentistsdearborn

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